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Camden County Educators Kick Off Wellness Program With a Crunch

To represent unified interest in wellness and nutrition, employees of the Camden County Educational Services Commission recently kicked off a wellness campaign with a synchronized crunch.

Apples are a symbol of education and of the season. At a recent professional development workshop for 120 employees of the Camden County Educational Services Commission, everyone was given an apple and there was a synchronized crunch to represent the unified interest in wellness and nutrition.

Earlier this fall, Daniel Del Vecchio, Superintendent of the Camden County Educational Services Commission, kicked off the wellness initiative by sharing his commitment to employee wellness. To demonstrate his commitment, he provided everyone with a wellness kit which included a water bottle, first-aid items and a hand sanitizer pen.

In this photo: Educators holding up their apples moments before the synchronized crunch (Photo provided)

Teachers, staff and administrators from the Camden County Educational Services Commission volunteered to form a wellness committee which is tasked with developing a program that will help their colleagues with the ongoing need to be well. The goal of the committee is to plan events and activities that are both informational and fun.

“Our educators are so focused on meeting the needs of their students, that they often put themselves last when it comes to wellness. It’s my hope that the wellness committee will keep our employees connected so they can help each other to be well and stay well,” states Daniel Del Vecchio.

A recent wellness survey of employees indicated the top five areas of interest are nutrition, physical activities, mindfulness, yoga and mental health. The committee will convene next month to review the survey data and begin planning events. The committee is also considering the introduction of a wellness app for employees to achieve their individual wellness goals virtually. A complete roll-out of the wellness program, also known as #BeWellCCESC, is expected to take place in early January 2020.

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